I’ll record episode 3 as soon as my sound tech (aka Sam, my partner) is available. Right now, though, I’m in the mood to plump up my blogroll. Suggest other blogs and podcasts about fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or chronic illness,…
The Geek Who Understands You
I’ll record episode 3 as soon as my sound tech (aka Sam, my partner) is available. Right now, though, I’m in the mood to plump up my blogroll. Suggest other blogs and podcasts about fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or chronic illness,…
It’s a word that I made up, combining “vibrant” and “fibromyalgia.” A fibrant life is one that is well-rounded, balanced, as healthy as possible, and has more joy than pain in it. The goal of this blog and podcast is…
Well, sorta. I have had my LJ embedded into my web site for a while, but now I’ve tweaked it so that it looks much better than it did with the default style. I even made my own BlogRoll! That…
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