I have a Roomba Red! YES!
The Geek Who Understands You
I have a Roomba Red! YES!
As SOON as it was officially November 12, sambear was bouncing up and down to give me my present. Unfortunately for him, I wasn’t really awake. This morning, though, he presented a surprisingly heavy, square box. Now, those who’ve been…
Karli is such a sweet, well-behaved puppy that I usually forget just how big she is. As she was pushing her easily-foot-long head over my PC for skritch
je_reviens, meet wordcandlemage. wordcandlemage, meet je_reviens.
If there is someone on your friends list who you would either like to tie down and have your way with, teasing them mercilessly and making them beg for release, or have them tie YOU down, post this exact same…
an art student at a certain stage –Gerald Locklin From The Modigliani/Montparnasse Poems she hisses at her elders, “he is not considered major nowadays.” i want to ask her why she cares what he’s considered, why she cares what her…
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