My tweets

Mon, 23:02: Marked as to-read: The Diet Survivor’s Handbook by Judith Matz Tue, 00:18: 4 of 5 stars to Banjo Strings by Larry Winfield Tue, 00:22: I’m #reading Wild Hunt by Margaret Ronald

Skribit is a Go!

If you’ve visited here once or twice, you might have noticed that little thingie over there in the left-hand bar that asks, “What should I write about?” There’s a link to Skribit, where you can leave suggestions about the types…

Any Plurkers?

That man roped me into another messaging thingie, Plurk. If you’re already a member, I’m TechnoMom there, of course. I can’t really blame him, since Twitter seems to be down all the time. Pownce never really took off, did it?…

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