Role Playing by Cathy Yardley My rating: 5 of 5 stars What a lovely story! I heard about this book from a friend in a Slack community. I was reluctant at first because I just don’t read romances. My husband…
The Geek Who Understands You
Role Playing by Cathy Yardley My rating: 5 of 5 stars What a lovely story! I heard about this book from a friend in a Slack community. I was reluctant at first because I just don’t read romances. My husband…
WE ARE MERIDIANS: BOOK ONE by S. Ghali My rating: 2 of 5 stars There I was, merrily reading along in this science fiction book. Then WHAM, S. Ghali ruined it completely. How? They depicted the main female character as…
Reese by Lori Handeland My rating: 3 of 5 stars And now for something COMPLETELY different. Yes, this book is out of character for me, but I like Lori Handeland, and since I received a free copy I felt obligated…
So, um, I tried to read this. I really did. I don’t know if it’s “paranormal romance overload” or the fact that I’d just finished reading material from two incredibly good writers (Sarah Monette and Elizabeth Bear), but I had…
For my Sam A Marriage You are holding up a ceiling with both arms. It is very heavy, but you must hold it up, or else it will fall down on you. Your arms are tired, terribly tired, and, as…
Sam has talked about this subject in several of his podcasts, but I don’t think I’ve ever tried to address it. I may fail miserably, but I’ll try. Sam and I had one of our twice-weekly “date nights” tonight. That…
I really needed another fiction author to follow, right? But I’ve seen this series of books about a werewolf named Kitty, and I finally got a chance to read them. I finished the first, Kitty and the Midnight Hour, today…
I honestly didn’t think Laurell K. Hamilton had it in her, but A Lick of Frost moved me to tears in spots. She managed real romance. I don’t even like reading romances, and I really hate crying, but I couldn’t…
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