It’s a Living –Richard Vargas From McLife: Selected Poems 1978-2004 it’s called customer service trying to help my fellow man make sense of the medical insurance some slick carpetbagging agent talked him into buying there are no easy answers like…
The Geek Who Understands You
It’s a Living –Richard Vargas From McLife: Selected Poems 1978-2004 it’s called customer service trying to help my fellow man make sense of the medical insurance some slick carpetbagging agent talked him into buying there are no easy answers like…
The Day I Walked To Acapulco By John Isbell I set out just before dawn, After much consulting of maps and trigonometry. My first step took me to Tulsa. It was 10 a.m., and people were going about their business.…
For LJ community DropAndGiveMe50 … Okay, I’m trying. There aren’t 50 words but I’m a first-timer. And it seems too wordy already. I lay quietly basking in your effulgence sweet skin shining my night has no other moon you rule…
I’ll try not to do this very often, but this passage has been on my mind since I read it in the current issue of World: Not for me is the love that knows no restraint and is like foaming…
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