The Sun Has Burst the Sky –Jenny Joseph The sun has burst the sky Because I love you And the river its banks. The sea laps the great rocks Because I love you And takes no heed of the moon…
The Geek Who Understands You
The Sun Has Burst the Sky –Jenny Joseph The sun has burst the sky Because I love you And the river its banks. The sea laps the great rocks Because I love you And takes no heed of the moon…
Rearview Mirror –Robert Morgan This little pool in the air is not a spring but sink into which trees and highway, bank and fields are sipped away to minuteness. All split on the present then merge in stretched perspective, radiant…
Water On The Lens –John Isbell There is water on the lens. There is dust in the gears. There is snow on the screen. There is noise on the line. Whenever we push THIS button, We get THIS junk. We…
Metamorphosis –May Sarton Always it happens when we are not there– The tree leaps up alive into the air, Small open parasols of Chinese green Wave on each twig. But who has ever seen The latch sprung, the bud as…
Both brought to you courtesy of osp_feed. Waterfront Café By John Isbell I sat at the waterfront café. The stone bridge’s near side was rooted in the soil, While the other disappeared into infinity. I saw a bird fly across…
Have I mentioned how much I love having good poetry just appear in my email and LJ feeds each day? It is soul-sustaining. The First Fruit Salad by Joanne Limburg from femenismo One June night she left her husband sleeping…
The Day I Walked To Acapulco By John Isbell I set out just before dawn, After much consulting of maps and trigonometry. My first step took me to Tulsa. It was 10 a.m., and people were going about their business.…
Spring –Mary Oliver from New and Selected Poems Somewhere a black bear has just risen from sleep and is staring down the mountain. All night in the brisk and shallow restlessness of early spring I think of…
The Other Door By John Isbell This poem, if read right, Unlocks the secrets of the universe. It contains a galaxy. It contains an archipelago of galaxies. It contains an ant. It contains a sunset. It contains number and geometry.…
Angels –Maurya Simon from Ghost Orchid Who are without mercy, Who confide in trumpet flowers, Who carry loose change in their pockets, Who dress in black velvet, Who wince and fidget like bats, Who balance their haloes on hatracks, Who…
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