33 Ways to Learn That Are Way Better Than Traditional Schooling Nowadays, I am inclined to think, as Clark Aldrich writes, that “What a person learns in a classroom is how to be a person in a classroom.” And, frankly,…
The Geek Who Understands You
33 Ways to Learn That Are Way Better Than Traditional Schooling Nowadays, I am inclined to think, as Clark Aldrich writes, that “What a person learns in a classroom is how to be a person in a classroom.” And, frankly,…
Hi! It’s been a while, I know. Katie is nearly finished with college now, but I’ve been busily learning online again! Codecademy still rules as far as the resources available and the quality of the lessons they offer. FreeCodeCamp is…
Magic to the Bone by Annie Bellet My rating: 5 of 5 stars The Boss Fight! The climax to the Samir storyline that has been building throughout all seven volumes of the series, this plot does not disappoint. My only…
Well, I owe you all an apology. This blog has been abandoned for four years, and a lot has happened in that time. Katie is married, about to finish college, and expecting her first child! I went back to work in…
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