Review: All Clear by Connie Willis

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

All ClearAll Clear by Con­nie Willis

My rat­ing: 5 of 5 stars

Well, this vol­ume moved much more quickly than Black­out did! Hav­ing read a brief piece writ­ten by Ms. Willis thank­ing those who stood by her as one book spread into two, I think I have a slightly bet­ter under­stand­ing now of what hap­pened that led to my unhap­pi­ness with the way the first book ended. They really shouldn’t be two books, but they couldn’t phys­i­cally fit into one vol­ume. Or, for many e-​​readers, one ebook.

It is still a large book! And, as in Black­out, it isn’t always clear just who a char­ac­ter is. I’m read­ing along hap­pily and all of a sud­den, there’s a new main char­ac­ter! Wait, who is this? Has Colin got­ten through some­how? Or is it another his­to­rian? Or another trip by one of the peo­ple we already know? Or – but – …Ms. Willis does a mar­velous job of keep­ing us guess­ing. And the his­to­ri­ans’ habit of using dif­fer­ent names on dif­fer­ent assign­ments meant that I didn’t always know which per­son I was read­ing about even when I thought I did know who he or she was! The reader has to catch the tini­est details to know that some­thing isn’t quite right, or be left com­pletely sur­prised at the reveal! The many ref­er­ences to Agatha Christie are def­i­nitely mean­ing­ful, and I’ve come to believe that I haven’t read nearly enough of her work!

I’ve always con­sid­ered Ms. Willis a cere­bral author, but my emo­tions were heav­ily engaged here. The anal­ogy of Polly, Sir God­frey, and The Admirable Crich­ton was so apt, and that dread­ful busi­ness in the Phoenix had me bawl­ing. By the time a hero we’d grown to know and love dearly fell, and fell so, so close to home, I was a bas­ket case.

After fin­ish­ing this mas­sive duol­ogy (which really should count as one enor­mous book spread across two vol­umes), you would think that I would be sick and tired of all things Willis and not want to read another word by her for the next year or so. Instead, I want to know, right now, what comes next. I want to read about Eileen and the Vicar, and watch Alf and Bin­nie grow up. I want to see Polly and Colin’s rela­tion­ship grow.

I imag­ine Ms. Willis is rather tired of all of them, though, and happy to rest for a while and remem­ber what it is to live back in this cen­tury again. The Oxford Time Travel uni­verse offers so many rich and fas­ci­nat­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties for fic­tion, and I hope she chooses to write many more nov­els set in it. I’ll def­i­nitely be will­ing to read them!

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Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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