I spent most of today with my family at my parents’ house. It was a wonderful visit! I got to meet my youngest nephew, Eli, for the first time. I was ill every time my brother and his brood came…
The Geek Who Understands You
I spent most of today with my family at my parents’ house. It was a wonderful visit! I got to meet my youngest nephew, Eli, for the first time. I was ill every time my brother and his brood came…
Leaf I’m not avoiding my mother, but I get tense when I see her on my caller ID lately. We tend to stay in touch by email more than by phone, and if she calls it usually means that there’s…
I can’t remember the last time I even considered seeking news anywhere but online. Whether it’s what’s going on around Atlanta, the nation, or the world, or just a weather update, I look there first if at all possible. Since…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. I’m viewing this entry on my ginormous 22″ monitor. My hero acquired it via freecycle, toted it from the previous owner’s house to our car and into our house…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. Not from the grave, oh no, not yet! It’s been too long to do a real “this is all that has happened in my life.” Writing it would exhaust…
_starrgirl_, rasilio, rloveking, voltbang and their littluns came over for dinner. I am now fully convinced that I am far too old to have another baby. I had suspected as much, but gosh—toddlers and infants take even more energy than…
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