
I’m working on my final project for the technical writing course, which is a comparison of cohousing developments to single-family and more traditional multi-family housing. I’m finding it difficult to find any of the books I want to use as…

School Happy

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. I finally got the grades from the first technical writing assignment I turned in last week, and the peer reviews I did on two of my classmates’ rough drafts.…

Date Night–Baby!

We had Chinese food together tonight, and played for a while. There was some ick, but I suspected that it was coming. The happy part is that my character’s oldest son (foster son, really) baby was born. First grandbaby! There…

SBQ: Stitching Terms/Acronyms

This week’s Stitching Bloggers Question of the Week: For seasoned stitchers: Define a stitching term or acronym for new stitchers. Gah. I don’t play in the needlework newsgroup anymore, so I don’t think in acronyms. Railroading is the only term…

Tarot for Knitters!

This is truly cool. It’s a limited edition, hand-printed “knitting tarot” deck. I learned about it via new LJ friend . They aren’t releasing many images, apparently, unless you’re a friend of theirs on Flickr. What I can see looks…

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